My account

How do I update my personal details (name, address, phone number etc.)?

You can log into your account and update your personal details in your “Profile” anytime on any device.

We strictly adhere to data protection regulations and do not send your information to third parties.

Can I save addresses and/or contacts?

Every address or contact entered on our digital platform is automatically saved to make it simpler and faster for you to request quotes/place orders on our app.

I’ve forgotten my password, what shall I do?

It’s simple, just click on “Forgotten password” and we’ll send you an email to reset it.

How do I manage email notifications about my shipments?

You can manage the frequency and type of notifications you want to receive (or not) on your customer account.

How do I delete my account?

Simply email us and we’ll delete your account and any associated information. Please note that once the information has been deleted, we cannot recover it.